Device Chip
Use to remediate strongest wi-fi or bluetooth EMF emitting electronic sources. Place them on routers, gaming stations/controllers, baby monitors, wi-fi printers, smart speakers (Alexa, google home), all fans, ac units, air purifiers, cordless phones, plug in beds.
Use to remediate strongest wi-fi or bluetooth EMF emitting electronic sources. Place them on routers, gaming stations/controllers, baby monitors, wi-fi printers, smart speakers (Alexa, google home), all fans, ac units, air purifiers, cordless phones, plug in beds.
Use to remediate strongest wi-fi or bluetooth EMF emitting electronic sources. Place them on routers, gaming stations/controllers, baby monitors, wi-fi printers, smart speakers (Alexa, google home), all fans, ac units, air purifiers, cordless phones, plug in beds.
Contact our EMF specialist and also ask midwife Mieko to help you choose and install the appropriate product for your lifestyle for best results!
EMF Specialist on Kaua`i: Sarah Larricq (707) 331-0156
You may detox as you remediate your home for a few days or so.