Placenta is a type of superfood for after birth care if you choose to prepare it that way.
There are many other ways to care for your placenta:
Lotus birth, smoothie, lasagna, stew, raw, encapsulate, bury, artwork.
Ask for your placenta to be encapsulated for a fee and you will receive it usually within the next day after birth.
Placenta and Cord Preparations
Here in this bubble of amniotic sac is where baby grew while attached via the umbilical cord!
Cord attachment on baby’s side of the placenta.
Dehydrated cord, 3 vessels are visible
Family traditions, cultural practices and personal rituals have influenced how each placenta has been handled. Take the time to figure out how you would like to care for your placenta, the mega organ you must grow to grow your baby. The placenta has been called “your baby’s twin”. Here are some examples of what some families have done with theirs.
Lotus: The umbilical cord is left connected to the baby until it dries and separates on its own, then buried. Herbal care for the placenta is recommended. This allows natural separation rather than someone cutting the baby’s cord.
Burn: Using a candle/s to burn the cord to separate the baby from the placenta. This cauterizes the vessels in the cord, seals the heat and baby’s energy inward.
Bury: Choose to plant a special tree and place the placenta under it. Often times this is said to help ground that child onto Earth.
Umbilical Cord: The cord or cord stump can be dried separately and preserved for keepsake in a cedar box.
Prints: Place the baby’s side of the placenta called the "Tree of Life” onto your choice of special surfaces to make a placenta print.
Raw/Smoothie: Wash and cut a section into small bite size cubes and swallow little pieces for a few days or blend into a smoothie with your favorite ingredients. P.S. Mango is best! Usually taken immediately after giving birth to give you energy, stop any excess bleeding and balance your hormones.
Encapsulate/Tincture: The placenta is prepared by steaming, dehydrating, powdering and encapsulating. Sometimes herbs and spices are added to activate warming properties. Request your placenta to be encapsulated or made into a tincture.
*Placentophagy is the act of mammals eating the placenta of their young after childbirth. Research have found that Alaskan, Chinese and Muòng cultures have references to human placenta consumption.
*Placentophagy is not recommended for those who have HIV I/II, Hepatitis ABC, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, GBS, Chorioamnionitis, Syphilis, Cholestasis.
Contact me to have your placenta prepared!
You will receive your prepared placenta with instructions usually between 24-48 hours of your birth.