Creatively Visualize Your Birth Sequence for an Easier Birth!
Power of the Mind
Place positive thoughts into dynamic mental pictures or images to bring about your goals. Visualize & feel yourself enjoying normal birth!
Use this method to help you through labor with deep relaxation, less fear, less pain and in less time. It also can reduce tension, solve problems, stimulate your imagination, realize goals, increase control over your inner/outer life, and improve your achievements.
Labor is a Mind & Body Process
Conditioning your mind for a relaxed and peaceful birth, prepares the body!
Your right brain orientation in pregnancy & labor helps you to be particularly open to the power of visualization. The mind and body work optimally when you embrace the experience with a positive attitude. Whatever affects the laboring birther’s mind, affects her body!
What We Don’t Want
Fear increases the pain and length of labor.
A contraction starts. The birther becomes afraid. They tense. Tension causes the muscles around the cervix to tighten. Longer and harder contractions are now necessary to open the tight cervix. Tension also decreases oxygen to the uterus, leading to more painful contractions. The pain triggers more fear which in turn causes greater tension and the cycle spirals.
*Visualizations can break this cycle by reducing fear and eliminating unnecessary tension!*
Let’s help you visualize your birth through understanding normal physiology of labor and birth for an easier birth!